Mary Louise Guthrie
Born: October 26, 1925
Died: December 31, 2012
She was called by a lot of names; Mary Louise, ML, Mom, Grandma. To everyone that used one of those names; parents, husband, friends, children, grand and great-grand children, she was a loving and generous woman. She happily shared all that was hers to give with all of us. We are grateful and will always remember her for it.
Mary Louise Guthrie is survived by her son, Albert R. Guthrie and his wife, Mary S. Guthrie, their children Benjamin Lee Guthrie and Grace Louise Guthrie; her daughter-in-law Peggy Lynn Guthrie; her grand child Kimberly B. Smith and her husband Chad B. Smith, her great-grand children Kyle G. Hughes and Ryan C. Hughes and Karlea Smith; and her grand child, Cynthia D. Mills and her husband Jacob B. Mills.
Memorial Service will be held Monday January 7, 2013 at the Fitzhugh Cemetery in Lucas, Texas.